Sunday, December 17, 2017

Tax Bill is going to pass

Gotta figure it will help the economy and overall be good
Never could figure out the the huge trillion dollar deficit really affects things
Don't think Congress knows either

Maybe a government shutdown just as icing on the cake of a crazy year

Monday, December 11, 2017

Olympics in South Korea - Trump first big test

He probably did Ok on Israel/Jeruselem - gotta give him credit
With the Soviets kicked out for doping -and Rocket Man 50 Miles away - just getting out w/everyone alive will be an accomplishment - starting a way would be a bad thing

Monday, December 4, 2017

Is all this stuff enough to impeach?

Not sure - many people don't buy it - and it would be a huge rift in society unless the overwhelming majority of Americans thought he needed to go
Plus 1/2 the house and 2/3 the senate

It will take serious financial shenanigans Trump was hiding with Russia (or a was he starts by Twitter that results in significant American casualties) to get the American public (and Congress) to dump Trump

He could quite sometime next year - or have a health problem

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Don't think the Republicans can pull off tax reform

They just are too messed up.
It's just a big pile of concessions to their cronies
No leadership to push it thru (same problem the Dem's have)

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Trump and the never ending posturing

He'll go down swinging - it's all he knows
It may take another year or two - someone (Ryan/McConnell) will have to bring it to an end - but it will get pretty close to the cliff

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Mueller is going to bust some Trump's cronies -but Trump will get off

It's all kind of stuff that is already out their - Manafort/Flynn - very dirty and in trouble
Everything else is just stuff that everyone know about
If he can get the kids it might change the dynamic - but doesn't seem too likely

The American public has to buy off that it is an impeachable offense (yeah along with congress and stuff) - messy finances and sleaze are what got Trump elected - why would it get him impeached?

Monday, September 18, 2017

Houston is back to work

Some areas still recovering from flooding - which will take awhile - but 90% of Houston is back at it

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Trump and the Democrats

It's about time he made a deal with someone
Even if it is just kicking the debt ceiling down the road three months
The American public is tired of the goverment "almost shutting down" every few weeks because the numb nuts in Washington want to play games

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Emergency Hurricane Services in Houston are pretty good

Houston's a big city that is very functional - can handle a Super Bowl or a Hurricane with no big issues - not sexy - but a lot of big cities can't

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Republicans/Dems have to have a plan to stop Trump if he wants to go to war or something

Tweeting is one thing - doesn't really count
Nor does supporting the racists - that's just who Trump has always been

North Korea - some other impuslive decision - can't believe Reid/Ryan/Pelosi/Schumer/Pence have had some discussions about - what do we need to do if Trump wants use the military to cause needless deaths because he had a bad hair day - I think that power has already been removed from him

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Trump and the next line

What will really cause a change:
Pardon his kids
Get in a war where Americans Die
Try to fire Mueller (assuming all the Attorneys resign before they agree)

Sunday, July 16, 2017

What Mueller will really have to show

Something like this:

Kushner got turned down for a loan from Quater - which led to Saudi sanctions
Kushner borrowed a bunch of money from Russia
Trump borrowed a bunch of money from Russia
Significant lies from Kushner on disclosure forms

Don Jr taking a stupid meeting is bad -but not something that will lead to impeachment

Kushner and his shaky real estate financial situation is going to cause a bit of  family rift

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Trump easily plays the US media

CNN/Fox still nonstop of his every Tweet - however ridiculous on each side

Meanwhile - McConnell starting to talk about working with Dems on healthcare - and G7 leaders ignore his boorish behavior - they are all going to wait him out and sideline him

Monday, July 3, 2017

No one understands Obamacare

I sure don't
Obama probably went too far with the subsidies
The Republicans "have had their hands around the throat of Obamacare for seven years"
They need to fix it - not destroy it
Getting a new Healthcare plan every 8 years (or 4) when a new president is elected is bad for the country

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Agree w/all the Pelosi has to go arguments

Out of touch career politician who can't get anything done.
And she is too old and set in her ways to get things going
Dem's need someone who is inspiring and just isn't running against Trump
Hopefully some governors that have some pizazz are getting ready to run in a few years

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Trump Presidency will just be the Do Nothing Presidency

The endless Tweets that just mess things up - even more dysfunctional congress
Trying to rollback anything Obama good (whether good or bad) - See Cuba
It's all kind of pointless
Thankfully the US Economy seems Ok - and hopefully Germany other allies will just wait him out

Sunday, June 11, 2017

HIllary insists on reminding us all that she was so bad she lost to Trump

She was that bad - couldn't beat Trump
The 24 years of Clintonism should have ended about 8 years ago - after she lost to Obama
Instead she desperately makes excuses and Bill just seems to get Creepier

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Trump Fatigue

He just can't do it any other way  - has to yell and scream and be the center of attention
It's getting old and he is a liar and incompetent

Pence might me worse

San Simeon 229

Monday, January 23, 2017

SuperBowl in Houston

Wasn't too excited about this - figured I'd skip the whole thing - starting to come around

At least one trip to Discovery Green to check it out/people watch - maybe some food and drink!

I guess I'll pull for the Falcons - really just want to see a good game

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

MLB Most Embarrassing Moments

Trump about to hold office - who knows

Everyone kind of ignoring the bluster and just wondering how it will all turn out - hopefully Ok but no one really knows
He'll try to bully everything - but it won't work everywher (when it doesn't he will throw a fit and and blame someone else)
Crossing my fingers