Sunday, December 17, 2017

Tax Bill is going to pass

Gotta figure it will help the economy and overall be good
Never could figure out the the huge trillion dollar deficit really affects things
Don't think Congress knows either

Maybe a government shutdown just as icing on the cake of a crazy year

Monday, December 11, 2017

Olympics in South Korea - Trump first big test

He probably did Ok on Israel/Jeruselem - gotta give him credit
With the Soviets kicked out for doping -and Rocket Man 50 Miles away - just getting out w/everyone alive will be an accomplishment - starting a way would be a bad thing

Monday, December 4, 2017

Is all this stuff enough to impeach?

Not sure - many people don't buy it - and it would be a huge rift in society unless the overwhelming majority of Americans thought he needed to go
Plus 1/2 the house and 2/3 the senate

It will take serious financial shenanigans Trump was hiding with Russia (or a was he starts by Twitter that results in significant American casualties) to get the American public (and Congress) to dump Trump

He could quite sometime next year - or have a health problem